Wedding Suppliers Directory - Wedding Caterers

  Greens Wedding Catering Services

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Look no further for your wedding caterer. Established in 2012, Green's are a small family-owned company located in the very heart of Loughborough offering only the highest quality locally sourced produce and catering supplies. Book them and they will leave you with an outstanding final result and your wedding guests will remember your big day for the right reasons.

Cold finger buffets, customised wedding breakfasts, tailored individual picnic boxes to give to your guests in craft boxes to match your wedding attire, lovely rustic meze platters... Their professional staff will work with you to guarantee that your wedding catering needs and demands are met.

All bookings include full uniformed staffing, china crockery and cutlery.

As well as excellence in catering Greens offer a complimentary Event Planning Service for all of our Wedding bookings and a free of charge Wedding Breakfast Taster for up to 6 persons.

We can also for a small extra charge offer Linen, Decorations, Glassware, vintage china and Canapes receptions.
Uniformed Staffing
Bespoke Menus
Cream Tea Themes
Free Event Planning
Bespoke Picnic Boxes
Free Cutlery And Crockery
Sharing Platters
Themed Menus
Free Tasters
Vintage Crockery
