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  Bassmead Manor Barns

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Bassmead Manor Barns in Cambridgeshire is a truly romantic setting for your special day. With a fusion of historic features and contemporary style, the barns provide a stunning wedding venue.

The 300-year-old Rickety Barn has been wonderfully restored to provide a charming, rustic venue for your wedding celebrations. The traditional timber barn boasts stunning oak beams and wrought iron chandeliers which, when lit up with twinkling fairy lights, create an enchanting setting for you to say ‘I do’. The barn seats up to 150 guests and has a unique ‘nook’ on the upper level, which is perfect to house musicians or for photographers to capture important candid shots.

Following your ceremony, you and your guests can enjoy a relaxed drinks reception in the Moat Barn. The modern barn has its very own bar and opens out onto the beautiful gardens where you and your guests can relax, socialise and enjoy the views of the rolling countryside.

The Bridge Barn can accommodate your delicious wedding breakfast. The barn's dramatic features, such as the dark timbered ceiling and oak doors paired with a natural colour scheme, offer you the opportunity to put your own stamp on the venue. Sophisticated yet simple, the barn looks gorgeous in natural daylight and offers stunning views across the gardens and moat.

Your wedding feast will be created by the expert on-site catering and events team. They will work closely with you to create your dream dining experience. From formal dining to street food and barbeques, every detail will be tailored to you and your personal tastes.
The two barns open up to become one spacious, open-plan celebration space. You and your guests can dance the night away, enjoying the versatile indoor space and flowing out onto the patio.

When the day comes to an end, you can enjoy their first night of married life in the stunning, boutique honeymoon accommodation: Dove Cottage. Located just over the moat bridge, your guests can retire to the seven luxurious bedrooms of Appletree Cottage.


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