Wedding Suppliers Directory - Wedding Planners

  Celebrant Services NI

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The most beautiful alternative to a religious or registry office wedding ceremony. Celebrant Services NI creates personal, unique and unforgettable ceremonies for weddings, renewal of vows and baby naming.

Choose any venue you like, any day of the week, any time of day. Write your own personal vows, include music, readings and poetry. Your parents, children, friends and even your pet can take part! Choose optional elements such as Hand Fasting, Jumping the Broom or Dove Release for something Extra Special and extra memorable. Sign a beautiful Celebration of Marriage Certificate and drink a Champagne Toast to close your perfect ceremony.

Expect the best! Expect a 'tea and buns' meeting for us to get to know each other so I can write your ceremony to reflect your personality and wishes. Expect lots of ideas and inspiration for a truly unique ceremony - the script, the theme and the staging. Expect a draft script for you to consider and edit to your hearts' content! Expect a fun rehearsal at your venue so that on the day we all know what we're supposed to do and when! Expect a beautiful parchment copy of your ceremony script to keep as a lasting reminder of your fabulous day.

But most of all ... expect a relaxed, stress-free ceremony to be enjoyed and remembered always by you, your family and your friends.

Creating beautiful ceremonies across Northern Ireland and Ireland.

Celebrant Services NI - Warmth, Wit and Wonderful Memories.
Bespoke Wedding Ceremonies
Baby Naming Ceremonies
Renewal Of Vows